This is WAY harder than it looks. One word?! JUST ONE?! Impossible!
Where is your mobile phone? handbag
Where is your significant other? work
Your hair colour? cola
Your mother? loving
Your father? moustachioed
Your favourite thing? tomas
Your dream last night? slurred
Your dream goal? recognition
The room you're in? office
Your hobby? photography
Your fear? pain
Where do you want to be in 6 years? alive
Where were you last night? out
What you're not? genius
One of your wish-list items? maid
Where you grew up? bluemountains
The last thing you did? work
What are you wearing? black
Your TV? on
Your pets? demanding
Your computer? slow
Your mood? sleeeeepy
Missing someone? always
Your car? dirty
Something you're not wearing? socks
Favourite shop? etsy
Your summer? HOT
Love someone? relentlessly
Your favourite colour? red
When is the last time you laughed? yesterday
When is the last time you cried? monday