I made this card using: me, elephant teapot, red tea cup, little matey in a scarf, big books, paper cranes, lamp, throw blanket, cushions, digital camera, photoshop, black cardboard, paper, derwent water colour pencils, glue, cotton thread and needles.

Since I pin pricked the message, I held it up to the window so you could see my super original birthday greetings. pin pricking your text takes longer and is harder than i expected! you need a whole hand thimble, a giant metal glove. that's flexible too. Hmm, could i make my millions with such an invention?...
Anyway, before you think how lovely a girlfriend I am for going to so much trouble with his card,I'm only doing it to be the "better person". He is WAAAAAY behind on the card making/giving point scores, and now I am even further ahead.
It's tough being this awesome, but someone's gotta do it.
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