This is me. In a giant, life sized, walk in kaleidoscope made by the Scandinavian artist Olafur Eliasson. His exhibition at the MCA - Take Your Time - is amazing. You must go see it!
At first I thought this picture was kind of depressing, what with all the dark, gloomy spaces. But upon further reflection I decided it was quite appropriate really, sometimes life just feels so dark and gloomy, why not wallow a little? My recent dark and gloomy moments include trying to teach a 7 month old baby about bedtime - a 3 hour screaming battle of wills ensued, which I lost, and promptly spent the next 2 hours sobbing and feeling like an utter failure; getting a painful UTI and a head cold and running into my past at a book store, plunging me into all sorts of shame induced from not paying more attention to my appearance and an irrational inability to move on from painful emotional periods in my life.
Botheration. Fiddle sticks. Cuss that I say!
But you know, when the dog bites, when the bee stings. When you're feeling sad...
Simply remember your favourite things and then you won't feeeeeeeel so baaaaaaaad.
So here are a few far more colourful, bright and shiny, happier moments dancing about in the kaleidoscope of my life right now. It's not all dark and gloomy.
It's important to remember the good times!

Like sunshine and grand old trees. This park at the top of our street is where both my dad and my nana used to play as children and you can see both the harbour and Bondi from there. No wonder it's called Bellevue Park!

Cheeky cuddles and sun kissed cheeks.

The view from our picnic blanket. Focussing on the pretty white yachts, not the lucky bastards rich enough to own and sail them.

Picnic dinners instead of TV dinners!
Super lovely friends like Alex with lovely roses to cheer me up and relaxing crafternoons.
Beers with my favourite (and only) brother. The dark brown one tasted just like chocolate. For reals!
And a first glimpse of autumn, my favourite season!
I do hope you've had some colourful, happy moments lately to take your mind off any dark and gloomy ones. Viva la sunny side!
Dear me..I feel for you! When it rains, it pours, hey?!
I know how a 7 month old can push your buttons like nothing else. You're definitely not the first person to lose it with a bubba, and you certainly won't be the last. Be gentle on yourself though...it's such an important and amazing role you have in his life. You're both just learning together...
I love all your pics though and how you've looked for the silver lining...
It does look gloomy. But it also looks cozy. I think, as long as you're not trapped there (which does sometimes happen and it's no fun) it's nice to wallow for a bit. And then you appreciate the sunny picnic days all the more.
pretty!! gorgeous photos, lovely lady. they've brightened my day :) i hope you're feeling better soon xx
Oh!!! I wish I was there to drink beer with you.
I feel sad when youre sad,
Feel glad when youre glad
If you only knew what im going ....
That park looks amazing!
that first picture is wonderful!
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