I do love the feeling of being emersed in a book. I love watching the hours tick past on the clock as I turn page after page. I love it when it turns from day into night into day again and I'm still lying there reading. Like I could have been filmed in a time-lapse and if you played it back fast, nothing would change except the lighting in the room.
I just hate when you get down to the last part of the book, and the race for the finish line, because I'm so desperate to finish it I can barely take it in. I can never slow down for that part, it's like a mad dash to the finish line, which I inevitably have to reread to soak in all the details. Especially if it's taken me well into the night, and at say 1am I think, sure, I'll be finished in a bit, then the time between 1 and 2 and 3 feels like 10 minutes has flown by.
Then there's that weird post-book feeling, when you are released from the stranglehold and are obliged to go about your daily life as normal, but all the characters and events and feelings are still ambling (or racing, depending on the book) around in your mind, bumbing in to other thoughts and getting confused with reality.
I had four books set aside for this weekend. 1 down, 3 to go.

That's the second in the Millenium trilogy by Swedish author Steig Larsson, the amazing Mr Kurt Vonnegut (how could you resist a book titled 'God Bless You, Mr Rosewater'? It's like a Salinger title. brilliant.) and the sharp witted Mr Evelyn Waugh. Where to start?! Lucky I have approx 8 hours sitting on a bus to look forward to this weekend!
The sky was amazing this morning. Tom and I got up pretty early for work and the view down to Bondi was so clear and crisp it made me wish I was just going straight to the beach for a relaxing day of reading and one of those divine felafal rolls and delightful rose lemonades from Sabbaba. Now I'm hungry too...
My camera doesn't do the sky justice, but you get the idea.

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