If you're in need of a belly full of goodness after a long weekend of indulgence I can highly recommend this autumnal elixir concocted by yours truly!

The cast:
* 2 spanish onions sliced roughly
* As much garlic as you like - I used 3 big minced cloves
* 1 heaped teaspoon of harisa paste (or chopped fresh chilli if you don't have harisa)
* 1 heaped teaspoon of ground cumin
* 2 tins of peeled roma tomatos
* 1 tin of cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
* Half a bunch of silverbeet, stems removed and the leaves chopped thinly
Added extras:
* Some cheese like feta to crumble on top (I only had cheddar in the fridge though.)
* Toasted sliced almonds or pine nuts on top also add crunch
Lightly caramalize the onions in your biggest pot with olive oil and a little salt to release the liquid. While the onions are simmering away I chop the silverbeet and rinse the beans off.
Once the onions are thoroughly cooked add the harisa paste, ground cumin and the minced garlic, stir and lightly fry for a minute or so. Then add the 2 tins of tomato, stirring to break down the whole tomato pieces and bring to a boil.
Once the tomato has been bubbling away for a few minutes and turned a rich red hue, throw in your cannellini beans and chopped spinach. Stir it well to combine - put the lid on the pot, turn the heat down and simmer for 10-15 minutes.
Taste test for seasoning - does it need more salt or pepper, cumin, chilli etc? Or a small teaspoon of brown sugar for sweetness perhaps? If not - it's time to grab a bowl and ladle up. YUM!
Hope everyone has had a relaxing and enjoyable Easter long weekend. I'm going to snuggle up on the couch and rest in the quiet before the madness that is life takes over once again - what about you?
Im gonna try this tomorrow night,(tonights dinner is already taken care of).
all day, i've been craving soup...and then I dropped by and saw this delish recipe! am def going to have to give it a run.
Well ladies, I hope that it didn't disappoint?! xx
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