My ummming and ahhhing, dilly dallying, tooing and froing time is now up. I've got to pop my pin cushions in the mail! Whether I like them or not.
Here they are:

Now, I only learnt to crochet just last November so I am rather proud of myself for figuring these out all by myself and without a pattern. Having said that, had I consulted a pattern I may not have needed to pull them apart quite so many times...but where is the 'learning' in that eh?
I hope these cheery pin cushions leave a little ray of sunshine on my swap partner's sewing table! I'm just putting the finishing touches on my 'Sunny Songs to Sew By' mixtape and then I'm off to the post office...
Well now, looky looky looky here!
(said with a down-south Louisiana accent)
Theyre both so sweet, Sara. I love bumble bees, they have them in New Zealand and they are the most mesmerising creatures to try to follow around. They must have taken you ages if you had to pull them apart every now and then.
Thats what happens when I do crocheting!
CUTE! They will definitely brighten up your partner's sewing table, that's for sure. And they come with a cool is that. Thanks for being such a fab swapper. X
LOVE them, so sunshiney!
Mixtape - best idea ever.
Oh they are so lovely!!!
Clever you for making them without a pattern. They're so enchanting.
Hooray they have arrived. Safe & sound & beautifully wrapped. Thank you Sara!
You put me to shame with your gorgeous packaging & going-the-extra-mileness. Thanks so much. x
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