First - a cup of tea and a biscuit.

You'd be correct in guessing that those are still harvest shots. But how hilarious/retro/kitsch is that crocheted owl tea cosy?! My nana made it and EVERYONE hated it and yet it still survived the decades and continues to grace us with its presence at tea time. I'm also glad that Anzacs biscuits have survived the decades since the first batch popped out of the oven. These ones were particularly delicious, THANKS MUM!, and my brother and I ate more than our fair share when we thought no one was looking.
Now for my news. I'm not sure whether it's good or bad nannying days are numbered. My sister in law has got a spot for my nephew in a daycare centre now, and even though he is 3 months younger than what they'd decided was a better age to cope with daycare, they are worried they won't be able to get him a spot when the right time comes.
So I won't be needing my bottomless carpet bag or flying umbrella for much longer. I will however, be needing a new job. bugger! Which is fine and perfectly reasonable for a women of my age and skills. bugger bum poo! I am sure I will find my dream job advertised on Seek, with a ginormous salary to boot, and they'll probably hire me even before my interview - as this is my new resume/career plan, a la David Shrigley.
Good luck.
...looking for a job is always awful. I'll be thinking of you.
Youll be great at whatever you put your mind to, Sara. x
I put my resume (quickly written) in at my favourite fabric store the other day.
P.S You could always try another nannying job?
Hi Sara, I LOVE that tea cosy. I love it SO MUCH. Sad about your nannying job coming to an end. If you wanted another nanny position, Im sure there are plenty of other families who would appreciate you...!
xxoo Michaela
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