Saturday, 29 May 2010

Whatever is worn on the head is a sign of the mind beneath it


So that must mean I'm bright, cheery and very good for you?!
Here's my latest crochet project - a red delicious apple beanie...

apple beanie!
leaf detail on my apple beanie
apple beanie birds eye view

Turns out it's awfully hard to take photos of oneself wearing a beanie in low light. Curse this dreary overcast and rainy weather! Although - tis perfect weather for a bright and cheerful apple beanie!

Does what's on your head define your mind right now? 


Kate said...

I love your apple beanie, of course it makes you feel cheery.
and YES! I have overgrown no style hair and bad regrowth. Have you got a couple of hours to sit with my kids so I could have a cut and colour? Shame beanies don't suit me.

Pilgrim said...

CUTE! that looks like it would've been a satisfying project :D where did you find le pattern? now i want an apfelkopf

ejorpin said...

What a gorgeous beanie!
I've always admired people who can wear all kinds of headwear with style and panache, sadly I am not one of them. When it gets cold you'll find me in some tragic fluffy number, but I can't even quite pull that off! Oh to be able to don a cute hairband or a sassy cap!

small forest said...

Ive always known you were bright and cheery and good for me but its time you learnt this about yourself, missy!
Gorgeous! and the beanie aint bad either.
I must be Kates twin (regrowth and outgrown style)
Nice to have you back ive been missing you, x

small forest said...

Theres an Award waiting for you over at mine. Check it out when you feel like it, x

Michaela said...

Hi, where have ya been? How did you go with finding a new job? Love your crocheted hat. Its beautiful!


Oh. My. Goodness. That beanie is seriously the cutest...and cheeriest thing I've seen in a long time!
Love it!

eliseterese said...

I want that beanie!!
Its gorgeous!

Unknown said...

That is so cute- it suits you you look so pretty in it. I'm sure you're all of those qualities and more! xo m.

Sally said...

O WOW! That is stunning!!! ACE!!!!!!!!!!!

work from home said...

What a beautiful work. Your work is so cute. I like it a lot. You did a really good job.

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