Monday, 13 September 2010

"one time I looked at a diamond and it gave me a sunburn"

Uploaded by manandamazing.

Now that I have distracted you with THE. CUTEST. STOP. MOTION. ANIMATION. EVER I'm hoping you'll not be so mad at me for not upholding my regular blogging aspirations. It seems that turning on the computer and typing out intelligent, thoughtful blog posts on a regular basis is still beyond my capacity. Le sigh. Le sorry. All I can do is hope to improve?! Try harder?!

But I do want to say a HUGE THANK YOU for all your lovely kind comments regarding my new pregnant life. May I say it with flowers?

Thanks to EJORPIN for pointing me in the direction of FLOWER POWER!

I have been busy but my camera has not, must remember to recharge that battery! In the meanwhile might I share with you the wonderful MAEVE online magazine? A most lovely online publication indeed.
I'll be back soon with images of creative pursuits, I promise. I DO!


Lou @ MAEVE MAGAZINE said...

Thank you for mentioning MAEVE mag ! xxx Lou

ejorpin said...

And thanks for mentioning me! Isn't Flower Power the best?

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