Wednesday, 29 September 2010

shake it like a polaroid picture!

Warning - I'm gonna be all lame here and gush about an iphone app. You take a picture then you shake it and wait for it to develop like a polaroid!! It's so much fun! (And it's completely hypocritical of me to love it so much as I really hate the Hipstamatic app that takes faux lomo shots - just use a Holga or a Diana people!)

But look at the pretty wisteria...
And I love how at this time of year the gutter is filled with pretty purple petal litter

And this is my new friend Zeppellin. He's the friendliest kitten in town. He lives on my parent's street and I actually cross the road to see if he's hanging out...

And here is my old friend Montalbano with his new friend, Gabi's crochet baby blankie. I got straight onto it and sewed up the left over hexagons and started working on the trim. And since Bano likes it and I'm also told the lovely Sally's Mister 3 even likes it, so I'm feeling pretty confident that my lil one will like it too. (And if not, too bad.)

Only problem is I got THIS CLOSE to finishing the trim in the pale green when I ran out of yarn. CURSES!!

Ironically every thing I've ever tried to crochet in that lovely pale green bamboo/cotton yarn has been promptly ripped up, I just can't seem to get it to work for me. So I wasn't surprised it wasn't going to oblige me and finish the trim without an argument. What should I do? Rip it off? Fill the gap with left over jade? Crochet the row again using a smaller stitch that might conserve more yarn? Ditch the entire project?!


dorothybills..... said...

Bit addicted to this app too! Lots of fun!

Kaviare said...

I LOVE wisteria. SO drapey and pretty.

I think it's different, because you can't get polaroid film for love nor money. Anything that stops filthy hipsters from wasting it and ruining it for the rest of us is a good thing in my books! Plus, you get to sing the song while you shake it...

I would do that last bit in another colour - the jade or maybe even something completely different. Make it proudly handmade and different - it doesn't have to be perfect to be perfect, if you see what I mean!

Sally said...

Try a smaller stitch first... frustrating now but in time you'll forget about it.

Thanks for mentioning Lomo and Diana ... I've been googling ... I wanna know more. Tell me everything you know :)

small forest said...

Im with Kate. It needs to stand out so it looks like you meant to do it. I wouldnt pull it apart and do smaller but only cos im such a slowcoach at crochet, (where did that old saying come from I wonder)?


I have a confession to make. I am mad for my iphone but after having it for almost a year I still haven't got me any apps! I think this might just be my first one...

Love the wisteria shot!

Have a great weekend

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Tracey said...

I love that polaroid app too, and the colours and moments you've captured are lovely.

PS. Your blankie looks beautiful! :D
Montalbano is a great name for a cat.

ejorpin said...

Love the app, the wisteria, the cat (even though I'm more of a dog girl...) and your crochet is gorgeous! So much to love!

Antoinette Musik said...

I wanted to congratulate you on your gorgeous blog! You may be interested in taking a look at mine

Jack said...

Oh my! I just dug through your blog and let me tell you: I feel so good right now, because you have so lovely things here, Pictures and thoughts and experiences...can totally relate to most of them =)
So I just wanted to thank you for this nice evening!


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